Daily Archives: May 24, 2011

Not matured or Childish?

Hey all, you know, as I mentioned earlier that I would be doing my practical internship for about two months starting from May till July. So, here I am in my second week for my internship session. Wanna know how it feels or what happens during these times?? O.k,I will let you know now and let’s the particulars not be told yeah.I don’t care anyway.

So,I was reporting for my internship at this so-called company on the 16th of May 2011. This happened to be on the Teacher’s Day (owh yeah,happy teacher’s day).Then, the moment I walked into the company or whatever building or trademarks they’ve called, I could feel the tensed and stressed ambient of the future-workplace of mine. I mumbled alone, dang! I shouldn’t have applied for this worst place ever!! Now,I have to bear working or kuli-ing in this so-called place already. I have no choice but to bear it lah.

Then, they introduced me to all the staffs and interns there. I didn’t feel like quite a warm welcome or friendly as everybody is so busy doing their work and not noticing and cooperating with others,let alone socializing. I highly doubt that these people have their social life at all,provided that they came to work on saturday and sunday.Whoa! You seriously need to get a life lah. Anywho, It wasn’t that bad lah,well it was the first thing that I said in my mind. I’ll just have to get through it je lah. So,be it.

The first week was a bit boring and I was blurred. I didn’t know what to do or whom to seek help. Luckily, there was someone who has been on the internship session by far earlier than me and that person will finish his/her session later than me.I pity that person,very much indeed. So, that person taught me how to carry these stuffs,how to do this and that and etc. I didn’t survived much if it wasn’t because of that person.Alas,the person is nice and not like others.How is not like?I’ll get to that later. For the first week, they just gave me the same thing to do everyday and all over again.Apparently, the same thing or work continues till the second week. Damn! I am so malas lah now….I feel like I wanna quit and go back home je…..Haih! What a waste!

Maybe you guys have been wondering what’s up with the title of my post:Not matured or Childish? You see, you’ll notice that there is many kinds of people living in this world, and you can spot their behavior or manners either in social life or professional life. It doesn’t cost much actually, just some times on the observations of that person. So,back to the topics, when the workers are having conflict among each other, we as the interns are pretty much affected by their working style and relationship among others too. So,here it goes. The funny thing and annoyance thing that happens so often that it irritates not me,but the other people too. The tying of plastic which results in the difficulties by a well-formed and dis-handicapped person. I still have no idea why that person still wanna brag about those things that were done by me and my friend. It’s just simply a small matter where you can solve using your own ‘precious’ time and energy. Maybe that person is just too lazy to do that or wants to maintain the level of his/her perfection.Thank god that person is not beautiful.Let alone nice.Haih! What a lost lah.

As sad as it comes to the childish and immature part, they are slandering and badmouthing each other.In contrary to that, they also look very happy and would kill for anything if their friendship or professional relationship is about to ruin by someone or somebody. I guess, as they grow older (and uglier), the more hypocrite they become. Look,I don’t mind if you’re scolding or whatever lah,as long as you are right and I was wrong,then it’s o.k. But,if it was the opposite, I’ll be glad to respond back to you,negatively I supposed.

p/s: Let’s just hope and pray that I’ll survive for 6 weeks more as I cannot compare anything that I hated the most as much as I hate that place.and yeah, the place or date might have been changed in order to avoid any disclosure or anything. Thank you.and to you, and you,please get a LIFE.

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Posted by on May 24, 2011 in Drama